


University of Gdańsk, Poland

Jørgen Steen Veisland is associate professor of Scandinavian, American and Comparative Literature at the University of Gdańsk, Poland, where he has been employed since 1992. Previous appointments include The International People’s College, Denmark; The University of Wisconsin-Madison; The University of California, Berkeley, and Fudan University, Shanghai. He is a member of The International Association for Scandinavian Studies and The International Association for Ethical Literary Criticism. He is the author of numerous articles on Scandinavian and American literature and of several books.

Jørgen has participated with these talks:
  • The appropriation of being: dismantling totalitarianism in Unto Madness, Unto Death by Kirsten Thorup at Event and Becoming: the Inaugural 2021 Ereignis Conference (2021)
  • What’s in a name. A Kierkegaardian approach to Herman Melville’s Billy Budd, Albert Camus’ The Myth of Sisyphus and Paul Auster’s City of Glass at Kierkegaard: Acts of philosophy - the Second Ereignis Conference (2022)
  • Spacetime in Søren Kierkegaard's Repetition at Beyond dualism — philosophy, religion, science: the third Ereignis Conference (2023)
  • Transcendence in Cormac McCarthy’s novels The Crossing and Stella Maris at Ereignis Seminar (2023)
  • The silence of the black guitar. Pathos in Jon Fosse’s Stengd gitar. at Pausing Time/Timing the Pause: sayability in the arts, philosophy, and politics (2024)
Jørgen is scheduled to participate with this talk:
  • On geopolitical states of power, surveillance, and of freedom of speech, with reference to George Orwell’s 1984 at Ereignis Seminar (2024)
Jørgen is the instructor of this module: